Dan Pallotta Unveils “House on the Reservoir,” out now!

We’d appreciate it if you were to feature “House on the Reservoir” over at OUTLET: https://songs.danpallottamusic.com/hotr


The acoustic guitar led track features plaintive harmonica and piano, the production’s bedrock to centre Pallotta’s emotive vocals and moving lyrics which depict a tense and repressed relationship between his father and grandfather.

“It split me into pieces, and I sold my soul for parts, inside of that house on the reservoir.”

 Pallotta explains that “House is on the Reservoir” is about “seeing that you have taken responsibility for pain, transgression, betrayal, regret and anger that never belonged to you and that were never yours to take responsibility for in the first place.”

The core truth of lived experience in the song reveals Pallotta’s ability to “still […] have empathy for the people for whom you shouldered it out of a recognition that it’s something ancient, and probably didn’t belong to them either.”


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