Hearsing Drops Fresh Track “Silicon Prairie,” Ushering in Musical Novelty

Introducing Hearsing, the brainchild of Avery Murphy and Jordan Taylor, a musical project deeply rooted in their shared journey from high school to professional stardom. Their musical odyssey began within the confines of high school corridors, where they co-founded the surf punk ensemble SUBPAR alongside Lukas Henderson and Austin Corona. Since then, these talented individuals have embarked on their own notable ventures in the music scene, spanning projects like LILACS, Jean Dawson, and Lizzy McAlpine. Their new single “Silicon Prairie,” the second release off of their upcoming album “Pastoral,” debuts a haunting and harmonious nostalgic indie sound from the group.

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In March of 2021, Hearsing unveiled their inaugural offering—a self-titled collection of home-recorded tracks that served as a precursor to their burgeoning musical expedition. However, it is in the year 2024 that they truly come into their own, as they unleash their debut professional studio EP, aptly titled “Pastoral.” Recorded under the meticulous guidance of producer and singer-songwriter Henry Chadwick, whose impressive repertoire includes collaborations with esteemed acts like Jesse Daniel and Coffis Brothers, “Pastoral” encapsulates the essence of Hearsing‘s artistic evolution. Additionally, the EP features the deft drumming of Ellington Peet, known for his work with bands like Runnner and Babehoven, adding a layer of dynamism to the sonic landscape.

What sets “Pastoral” apart is not just its impeccable production or the pedigree of its collaborators, but the sheer depth of emotion and creativity that permeates each track. From the wistful nostalgia of “Montauk” to the infectious energy of “Hearsing,” the EP traverses a diverse sonic terrain, seamlessly blending elements of surf punk, indie rock, and Americana to create a sound that is both timeless and refreshing.

As Hearsing prepares to embark on the next phase of their musical journey, their sights set on conquering new horizons and captivating audiences around the globe, they invite listeners to join them on this exhilarating ride. With “Montauk” serving as the harbinger of their sonic expedition, Hearsing is poised to make an indelible mark on the musical landscape, one soul-stirring melody at a time.


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